
Law School Decision

When I was six years old, I decided I wanted to go to law school. I was a talkative child who wanted to know everything; watching Legally Blonde for the first time later on just sealed the deal. So many of the things I started doing and found myself passionate about, in both high school and college, kept anchoring back to the knowledge, skills, and opportunities linked to law school. Like any other person, I definitely had my little crises over the years - questioning my choices was as routine as breathing when I was surrounded by business majors who acted like they already had their careers mapped out from freshman summer to MBA. But every path is different, and I am so lucky to have amazing friends and family who supported me and what I want to be.

So... here I am. After waiting for it for so long, after the endless research and chats, after leaving myself in overdrive for the past four (technically eight?) years, I think I know I am finally ready.

This past January, I visited the Vanderbilt Law campus in Nashville as I was waiting to hear back about my application for the upcoming Fall. The weather was cold and icy, but the people of Nashville and the Vandy campus were about as warm as can be. My interviewer in December had promised that if I saw the place myself and spoke with some students that I would fall in love with Vandy.

The campus is so small, especially considering I'm from ASU - but I think that was a big part of what I liked about it. I am from a relatively small town in northwestern AZ and while I love the resources and opportunities present only at large universities, I miss feeling like I knew most of the people in my classes. Like any program, the work is rigorous and studying will basically be a full-time job with no overtime pay.

The next three years are going to be rough, but I am going to try to be better about TSP than I have been. Writing out even this little announcement post has been fun and cathartic. I have never been much of a journaler, but one could argue this is my version of the journal. Thanks for reading, and I hope you stick around - if the last few years have been any indication, things are going to be interesting.

Catch you next time.



ASTR Lace Midi Dress | Steve Madden Stecy Stilettos | Photographer: Bryan Pietsch

Four years ago, before I had even started college, I decided to start a blog as a creative outlet for what I expected to be a somewhat soul-crushing experience as a business major. I have been wrong about more than a few things, and I am pretty glad about it. My life, my perspective, and I think even my personality have all changed so much these past few years and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I always used to laugh at the funny quotes you hear on TV or see on Pinterest about college being some of the best years of your life - they're really the best and the worst, but that is part of what makes them so great.

So what's next on the agenda for me? Law school! Official announcement coming soon, so be on the lookout for it in the next few weeks. I am so excited for this next chapter of my life and I am grateful to all of you for being a part of not only this past one but for choosing to stick around for the next one (if you want!).

Catch you next time.


NYE 2017

Seeing this Best Nine actually made me really happy in the spread of moments. I like to take the time between Christmas and the New Year to reflect on all of the memorable events, the relationships I have grown and cultivated, and how I think I have changed as a person. This year was a rough one, but it was filled with so many adventures and memories that it was more than worth it. 

I believe that one can never be too grateful, so one of my resolutions every single year is simply that: Be grateful. My last semester of undergraduate is creeping up quickly, and I am nervous but excited for what it has in store. May your last few days and hours in this year be filled with reflection, hope, and love. I'll see you in the New Year!

Catch you next time.


Hello, Twenty Fun

Celebrated my birthday with some of my closest friends - and they surprised me with a birthday wall! How awesome are they?! It was fun getting to play Tour Guide in what is (basically) my town and show them around, it has been a while since I have been able to be back and enjoy the amazingness that is Vegas. My friends even got to meet some of my family for brunch! And I got them to try some Filipino food. Short post, I know, but y'all get the idea.

Catch you next time.


Big Announcement: Heading to Canada!

Hi y'all! I am so excited to announce that I will be heading to Canada in just a few days! I am honored to have been selected as one of 10 American students to participate in the Fulbright Canada Youth Institute on Canada in the World. It's going to be a week packed with visits to historical locations around Ottawa and Québec City, workshops with American and Canadian foreign service officials, and meeting other amazing young people from across the United States and Canada. I will be live updating everything on my Instagram story, so be sure to follow along to see everything before the belated blog updates.

Catch you next time.

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