
Community Service Corner: Relay for Life 2015

This past Friday night, I took part in Relay for Life for Tempe with hundreds of other ASU students and Tempe residents.

For those of you who may not know, the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life is an overnight community fundraising walk to raise money to help find the cure for cancer. Teams work to raise money before the event, and then spend the night walking, decorating luminaria, playing games, and listening to the stories of cancer survivors, fighters, and caregivers.

Cancer has no conscience - it ignores who you are, what you do, how your life has been, and what you may potentially do. Cancer has taken wherever it pleases, young and old, kind and not-so-kind. But despite whoever you are, nobody deserves cancer.

I dream of a day where my children and my children's children will only hear of cancer the way we learn about the Black Plague: gone. I believe in #HOPE. I believe in the vision Dr. Gordon Klatt had and I believe that the love and support of family and community is one of the strongest bonds you can possibly find.

I relay to find a cure, to show my support for all of those affected by cancer, and for my grandmother who passed away almost two years ago from ovarian cancer. 

I wanted to take some more pictures, but I thought I'd keep the night simple and focus on the purpose of why I was there and spend time with others whose lives have been affected by cancer.

Have you ever taken part in a Relay for Life? Who do you relay for?

Catch you next time.


  1. Relay for life is SUCH a special event to be a part of! I did it for 4 years in highschool and it was so incredibly moving! Couldn't be a more worthy cause :)


  2. I've never done one before but I would like to! We have a Race for Life in the UK and lots of people do it every year and I was thinking I want to next time, I just want someone to run with :) congratulations on doing your relay!

  3. Relay for life is so much fun! Good for you!

  4. I LOVE Relay, it was a huge part of my college experience!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes


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