
Little Discoveries

I am up bright and early this morning for the C2: Consulting Across the Industries Conference! I have quite a few friends who have talked to me about the breadth of the consulting world, and I am starting to think it's a route I would like to explore.

After this conference (where I actually know two of the speakers so I am really excited to see them again!), I am off to the Pricewaterhouse Coopers Challenge Competition Rally! This year I am competing in a case study competition - crazy, slightly scary, but very exciting.

This day is pretty packed and it's only the beginning of the weekend! A lot more stuff will be going on and I can't wait to share it all with you! One of them is coming up next week, can't wait!

Dorm Inspiration | If you've been around TSP a while, then you know I absolutely adore Isabella Darden's blog Yep It's Prep. Her latest post gives a peek inside her room and I am beyond jealous - I'm still working on getting my room together, but when it's done I'll definitely be putting it up on here!

Another Reason to Go to Australia | I love milkshakes. Seriously, the number of times I've driven to Denny's, The Normal, or In'n'Out just for milkshakes this semester is slightly ridiculous. They're just so good, and with french fries? The best.

Preventing Burnout | Have you checked out the latest Freshman Five post? Even if you're not dealing with midterms, these are some good tips on how to keep yourself inspired and prevent the dreaded mid-semester/mid-quarter burnout!

Corgi v. Pumpkin | It's October and if you haven't seen this video yet then you're crazy and it's not officially Fall yet! So much adorableness in such a little body! A friend of mine is thinking about getting a corgi, and if they do, you know I'll be stealing it!

The Mini Bucket Bag You Need | In case you hadn't heard, merlot is the color of the season and this bag is PERF for big events like Fall festivals and State Fairs! The size is perfect for keeping the essentials but also keeping you from packing everything and the kitchen sink for Fall events. It's on sale, so it's totally okay to get it, right?!

What are you looking forward to this weekend?!

Catch you next time.

1 comment

  1. .....I really want a milkshake now.
    Grace Anne // http://totallygraced.blogspot.com/


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