
A Trip to the Art Museum

Okay so a few weeks ago, some friends and I took a trip downtown to visit the Phoenix Art Museum! It was actually a lot of fun - it was so big, we spent hours there. Anyways, this post was supposed to go up back then, but I guess I just never got around to it? Oh well, here are just a few pictures of my favorite things! If you ever have the chance to go visit, I strongly encourage it!

Have you ever randomly taken a little field trip anywhere? Living in a big city means doing something I've never before - spontaneous trips to places!

Catch you next time.


  1. Replies
    1. Right? I haven't been to many museums, but this was one of the loveliest I've been to!

  2. Those paintings are beautiful! I love to look at art, it's amazing!

    I'd love for us to follow each other on google friend connect and keep in touch! :)
    xo, Katy


    1. Right? I feel like art museums are very underappreciated nowadays! Thank you, I just followed your blog, Twitter, and Pinterest :)

  3. Replies
    1. There were so many more, but I figured it best not to photograph the entire museum!


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