
Hello, Canada!

Well, I am officially in Canada! 

I will be here for a few days and I am wondering if any of you have any suggestions for things to do while I’m here. I am staying in Richmond to visit with family (and finally see my beautiful godson!) but plan on exploring Vancouver a bit. While doing some research on the area, I found that there is an anthropology museum, that definitely sounds like something I’d like to check out!

Have you ever been to Canada? What was the most exciting thing you did there?


Catch you next time.


  1. I've never been to Canada, so I'm no help with suggestions. That anthropology museum sounds amazing! Hope you enjoy your visit :)

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  2. So I've never been to Canada long enough to actually do anything fun (just layovers or hotel night stays), but my brother proposed to his girlfriend there and he said to find hiking trails! The views are amazing!

    Rachel | The Quirky Collegiate

  3. That sounds like a great trip! I have never been-so no suggestions here- but I can't wait to hear all about your time there! Maybe I'll have to plan a trip in the future. Have fun!!

    -A Peachy Sonder

  4. I haven't been to Canada, but one of my friends married a pro soccer player and moved to Toronto - I love the pictures she's been taking up there. Hope you're having a great time!

    Ohio Stripes

  5. oh my goodness, I have never been to Canada! How fun! Hope it's a blast!

  6. I have been to Canada a few times with my family for vacation...and we loved it! We especially liked Prince Edward Island and St. John's :)

    Meg of An Affair of Character


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