
Bows and Kites April Subscription Box

Happy Thursday, lovelies! Are you feeling nauti?

Late last week I checked my mail in my sleep-deprived haze (two papers due in one week is hard on the body!) and found that my April box from Bows and Kites arrived! I know I say this a lot, but it's been a rough week/two weeks and these bows coming in really made my day a bit brighter.

I love themes - aren't they just so fun? When I saw this box was nautical theme I felt like Bows and Kites had read my mind because just a few days ago I had been browsing a few different Etsy stores and blogs and thinking about how I didn't have any nautical bows.

What makes this box that much sweeter for me, personally, is that it will be my last one for a while. Once summer starts and I move back home for the season, I probably won't be able to order any more bows until the beginning of next school year. *cue sobbing* Though this may be the best thing for my wallet...

All four bows now happily sit on my nautical boat and anchor bow hanger, bringing my total to 25 bows total! Is that intervention level, yet?

How had your week been so far? Are you looking forward to anything exciting? I hope y'all have an extra lovely day!

Catch you next time.


  1. These bows are always adorable! I wish I wore more bows! Maybe if this little is a little gal we'll have to get her a subscription ;)



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