
Little Discoveries

Quick update on my life: I am currently heading on over to Berlin! My study abroad program has officially ended (slightly sad, very happy!), I am no longer a freshman, and I am so excited to travel across Europe even more!


I have made an executive decision (hmm, maybe more like promise? Planning?) to myself to work harder to keep up on my "Little Discoveries" posts!

It makes me really happy to share the random/interesting things I stumble upon on the internet, but sometimes time just gets away from me and I don't end up putting them together! Right now I'm going to aim to do one every other week. Let's see how this goes!

Danny Tanner is Ted Mosby?!

Okay this is mostly my fault, but still! I had absolutely no idea that Bob Saget was the voice of Future Ted in How I Met Your Mother! I knew that it was a different actor, and it had always registered in my mind that it was someone familiar, but I had just never put the pieces together. Crazy!

Aly Michalka Got Married!

A photo posted by Kevin West (@savingtheseason) on

You remember Aly & AJ, right? Cow Belles was one of my favorite Disney movies and I LOVED Aly on Phil of the Future (TBT, right?). On Monday, Aly got married, and in the cutest lavender wedding dress I have ever seen. Ready for a laugh? Aly's husband's last name is Ringer, and the guests would tag their pictures with #PutARingerOnIt - how cute!

Four Months x Four Cities

A little while ago I discovered Amanda's blog. On top of loving her blog's name (come on, who doesn't love a dress with pockets?!), she decided to take charge of her life and go on an adventure. I completely admire that, and y'all should definitely go give her a blog a look over!

Another Reason to Love Anne Hathaway

Apparently this was all over Tumblr at one point and I missed it. I just stumbled onto it when I was browsing around YouTube and I am so glad I saw it, it's hilarious!

Being Practical: Where to Start Investing

Even before I started blogging, I read a few different blogs, including Stefanie's financial management blog! She writes about everything from how you can stretch your budget to how you can start saving money for retirement! One of my favorite of her posts is this one about where to start investing when you're broke. Go check it out!

Catch you next time.

P.S. Want 10% off the cutest bows at Sugar Spice and Sparkle?! Use the code "SWPREP" at checkout!

1 comment

  1. Girl, you're going to LOVE traveling Europe even more. My husband and I talk about how we would go back backpacking in an instant. Enjoy and soak up every second!



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