
How to Succeed in College {E-Book by Sara Laughed}

Since I've been home, I have run into pretty much everyone and their mother ranging anywhere from the grocery store line to the benefit I attended this past Thursday (details to come soon, promise!). The most common questions I have been asked by concerned mothers and incoming college freshmen have been the following:

1. Are there a lot of drugs and parties?
It all depends on the environment you put yourself in, the people you make friends with, etc.

2. How are you doing in your classes?
I'm doing well, thank you! College is great when you give it a real chance.

3. What are some things my child/I can do to succeed in their/my classes?
Well, there are a lot of things they can try.

You might notice that the answer under the third question is, well, extremely vague. That's because there is no one way to succeed in college, no golden ticket to help you zoom right on through. Everyone has their own regiment that work for them - the problem most people have, however, is that they haven't found the method that works best for them yet.

This e-book is filled with so much information! Nine chapters, eighty pages, this e-book is a healthy mix of things I already knew and other ideas I had never really thought of. Some of the most helpful things I wanted to make sure to point out to y'all who may be on the edge of looking into the e-book are that:

1. There are entire chapters on Motivation, Procrastination, and Balance. These are three areas I personally have not seen too many books include about besides the obvious "Focus on your goals", "Study now means play later" or "Stress is bad, remember to take care of yourself". These chapters go a bit more in detail and include plenty of helpful tips.

2. Each chapter ends with a section labeled 'Takeaways'. Let's be honest: you're reading this e-book for information you don't already know. You may choose to skim areas you don't believe you need as much help in - this is where the 'Takeaways' are really handy: after skimming, you can make sure you hit the high points by quickly reviewing the list at the end of the chapter (or you can just jump to the list and decided whether or not to read it, totally your choice!).

3. If you have a hard time getting through large chunks of reading and believing you actually took substantial notes, then you really need to check out the chapter on Reading. Within the chapter, there are several different suggested strategies (from SIBS to SPICCS) about how to tackle these problems. 

4. The worksheets provided with the e-book are simple yet effective. I used to print out all of my course requirements and take several pens and highlighters to it, trying to figure out how to make my schedules for the next few years so that I could make sure I was going to graduate on time. Needless to say, I killed a lot of trees and was left with a big mess of scribbles. The Courses worksheet is exactly the type of thing I could have used a year ago when I was stressing over course requirements.

College can truly be an amazing experience. If you allow it to be. One of the ways you can reduce tons of stress and have fun is by making sure you can handle your academics: remember that school comes first! If you're not happy with where you are academically, what are the chances that you'll truly be happy with the rest of what's going on around you? Odds are the stress from one area of your life as big as school will bleed into other areas and affect your mood and attitude.

If you have struggled with finding your rhythm in school, I strongly suggest you look further into Sara's e-book How to Succeed in College. If you're thinking about buying it now, you can check it out here!

Catch you next time.


  1. Love love love this ebook! I can't wait to start applying these tips,too! particularly the planner and schedule organization, I'm psyched to be organized!

    Courtney// http://www.aswestumblealong.com

  2. These are honestly such great tips! Thank you for sharing them!

    Mackenzie | www.mackenziekendall.com

  3. Excellent topic, I like it! I have a freshman, junior, and senior in high school, so this definitely is right up our alley!

  4. Wonderful tips! Very helpful for my future! You should definitely have fun, because college will be some of the best years of our lives.

  5. You are going to have the time of your life in college and this book seems super helpful! I wish I'd stumbled across an e-book to give me such thoughtful tips while I was attending. Best of luck! x Nicole | www.changeanddress.com

  6. These are awesome tips! College is seriously so fun, and you grow so much! I love college, and don't want to graduate in December !

  7. Lovely tips!
    I'd definitely pick this e-book up if I was still in school.

    xoxo, Jenny || Breakfast at Lillys

  8. This book sounds like something I could have used before I went to college. I love that the chapter ends in takeaways. I love books like that that tell you the important things to focus on.

  9. I definitely could have used this before going to college!

  10. I could've used this before starting college. I don't think I'm surviving it.. haha!

    The Fashionista's Diary

  11. This ebook is amazing. I really wish I had this ebook when I was going off to college a couple years ago.

  12. Every incoming college freshman should know these tips! Nice job :)

    Annie // Annie N Belle

  13. Sounds like an excellent e-book- I think procrastination is something everyone can use refreshers in! :-)

    xoxo A

  14. I feel like college is such an collective but individual experience it would be hard to write a book on it like this, but it sounds like it was done well!
    xx, Lindsey

  15. Sara's book sounds interesting!!!

    Nicole // Chronicles of Home

  16. All of these college posts are making me so nostalgic! This looks like a fab read.

    xo, Alicia | Alicia Tenise

  17. I really wish I had this e-book when I was starting college! Maybe I will read it anyways and hope it applies to grad school.

    xo Ashley

  18. Love this ebook!! Now this is in wishlist and I will read it for sure!! Thanks for sharing!!

  19. College is such a fun and enjoyable time! But it is also a time when you are learning lots about yourself and it's good to have guidance and a plan. Thanks for sharing this book .. I'm sure the collegiate girls will be so thankful for the tips!

    How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com

  20. So many great books out for those starting college! I wish I had these tips!

  21. This eBook sounds amazing! I start college in just a couple of weeks so I'll definitely have to read through this before heading off!

  22. I love this eBook! It seriously has so many tips that I didn't even think of!

  23. Sounds like a great book! Thank you for the suggestion.

  24. I'm about to start my second year of college, but I'm a sucker for books like this! I love learning ways I can improve as a student. I'll be checking this one out for sure!

  25. Yes, there are so many ways to succeed in college and half of it is figuring out what works best for you! This book from Sara seems awesome!!

  26. This is a great book! Passing it on to my little sis. :)

    xo // www.thematerialgirl.co

  27. I wish this existed when I was starting college! I remember asking similar questions during sorority recruitment!

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  28. This is an AWESOME resource! I want to give it to all of my freshmen residents this year. It'd be perfect!

    Coming Up Roses

  29. What a great resource for new college students or the older student in need of a refresher of sorts for prioritizing, etc

  30. When I go back to school for my BS, I will definitely use this as a tool!

  31. I've heard so much about this book! I need to check it out!

  32. I've heard this e-book is amazing, and I completely agree- college is all about what you make of it. Want to party? You can make that happen. Want to get a great education and make awesome friends? You can do that too!


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