
Freshman Five: How to Friendsgiving the Right Way

'Tis the week of being extra thankful - this Thursday is Thanksgiving, which means you still have time to have a Friendsgiving. Unlike many of my friends, I don't live 30 minutes from campus - I don't have the same opportunities to just pop over to another friend's house in between a game of football and dinner. So, Friendsgiving are pretty necessary in my friend group.

Hosting a Friendsgiving is not only another excuse to spend time with friends, but it adds to the experience in that you're not just spending time with one another - you're spending time together to celebrate your friendships.

Have a Theme | I know this sounds cheesy, but to let's be honest for a minute - if you take it seriously, your friends are more likely to do the same. It doesn't have to be anything super complicated, but if you can't think of anything, feel free to throw up some red and orange streamers and a few crudely hand-turkeys and your friends will think "Hey, you tried."

Potluck Style. For realsies. | You are a college student. Do not try to do everything yourself. I know some people are control freaks in the kitchen. Yes, some people are not helpful outside of making stuffing. But this is a Friendsgiving, not a normal family Thanksgiving, which means you don't have to slave over a turkey for 48 hours - but if that's your style then by all means, have at it.

Invite The Collective People You Want to Be With | I know the phrasing is awkward but there isn't a shorter way to phrase it. The holidays are busy and not everyone is going to be able to come - if two friends can't go, don't invite people for the sake of filling your table. Invite people who 1) you genuinely enjoy spending time with and 2) think would enjoy this Friendsgiving with you and your other friends. If you know from the get-go that they won't get along with your other guests, don't cause yourself the unnecessary stress of dealing with a fist fight over who gets the last bit of stuffing.

Make Something Together | S'mores, popsicle stick frames, hand-turkeys - whatever you decide to do, just do something. This may not apply to everyone (some people just want to do dinner), but I personally believe doing something together as a group (outside of just watching a movie) means better bonding. A different idea is to decorate turkey bags for each other - put everyone's name in a hat, and then you decorate a paper goodie bag with your interpretation of your friend in turkey-form.

Last Minute is for People Who Don't Like Their Friends | Not really, but sort of. Your friends who you haven't seen in months have just arrived and instead of you catching up on how they've been, you're yelling at your significant other about how you can't find the whisk (which is probably buried under the rest of your pots in the sink). The scenario is usually either this or you hiding in the kitchen while you pray your mother-in-law doesn't burst in, asking to help with the pies. A little too adult? You're probably hiding from your boyfriend's best friend's girlfriend-who-you-don't-want-to-make-small-talk-with-but-is-probably-an-okay-person. Potluck style plus taking care of things in advance means you get the most out of your time with your friends - isn't that what Friendsgiving is about?

Have you ever had a Friendsgiving?

Catch you next time.


  1. These are great tips! Especially regarding potluck style - it totally takes the pressure off!

  2. We used to do Friendsgiving with a bunch who were all transplants and didn't have family close by. It was the best time!

  3. I recently did Friendsgiving with the girls I work with and it was so much fun! Love these tips!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules

  4. Awh I love this idea! My sister has been talking about Friendsgiving all week, and I think it's so cute!

    Mackenzie | www.mackenziekendall.com

  5. I love this! I have never had a Friendsgiving but I think it would be so fun to do!

  6. How fun!
    I have never had a Friendsgiving celebration but I've always wanted to.
    Maybe next year :)

    xoxo, Jenny || Breakfast at Lillys

  7. I've never done a themed Friendsgivings, but we've always been pretty good about getting together for intense potlucks! Spot-on hosting tips :) I'll keep it in mind, since I tend to do a similar potluck-style party for Christmas.

    Alessandra | blog.pumpup.com

  8. I had a potluck thanksgiving two years ago, and it was honestly one of the most fun experiences of my life!

  9. Love this!! I love friendsgivings. I just had mine last week and dare I say it, I enjoyed it more than most of my past family thanksgivings. Great tips.

    Sara Kate Styling

  10. Potluck is always the way to go! We just had our friends giving on Sunday

  11. Great tips!
    with southern grace,

  12. Such a great post! I've been wanting to hold a Friendsgiving for forever, and these are awesome tips!

    Courtney//As We Stumble Along

  13. Very good stuff with good ideas and concepts, lots of great information and inspiration, both of which we all need.
    custom essays online

  14. I've never had friendsgiving but I really want to!


  15. I absolutely love Friendsgivings! I didn't have one this year, but next year I'll definitely be hosting one in my new apartment!

    x Sarah

  16. I've never had a Friendsgiving celebration but they sound so so fun! It's a little late to plan something for this year but in the future it would be so fun!

  17. Love this! I would love, love, love to do friends giving with all of my friends, but the older you get, you have more family things to do and it gets so hard-but it seems like so much fun!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  18. Friendsgiving is on my must list for next year! Such a fun way to get together and celebrate friendship!

    xo Ashley

  19. Potlucks are the bomb.com! Great tips!

    Diary of a Debutante

  20. I had Friendsgiving last weekend, and it was an absolute blast! This was my second year in a row, and I definitely want to continue to the tradition. These are really great tips!

  21. Friends giving was always a super fun part of college! I loved it!

    Nicole // Chronicling Home

  22. We had Friendsgiving each year at my old job, and I absolutely loved it! I hope that you had a blast at yours :)

    XO, SS || Seersucker Sass


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