
June/July Beauty Box

*Special thanks to the Seventeen Social Club for sponsoring this beauty box and post!*

I'm *finally* back down in Phoenix for the summer, but the weather really doesn't feel like I ever left! Daily temperatures are in the 110s, so of course going outside (if not to the pool) is miserable. Unfortunately, leaving the apartment is a necessity for my new internship and my summer classes so I have been on the lookout for different ways to deal with the heat a little better.

Whether you're suffering enjoying an Arizona summer or not, temperatures are high across the country. Have you been doing the little things to keep yourself cool (and healthy!) this summer? Quick list: Extra fan? Check. Hydrate? Check. Sunblock? Double triple check!

Despite the heat and everything that comes with it, I was happy to brave the walk to the post office when I found out my newest box from Seventeen had arrived.

I have used a few different Not Your Mother's products in the past (I love their dry shampoo) so I was really excited when I saw these two bottles. Plus, the squirt topper is much easier to use and manage around the head than the typical 'press-down button' top. I have already used the sea salt spray a few times and it adds a nice, soft texture to my hair.

This little acne kit came with blotting sheets and cute little stickers to label out your routine on the bottles! 

I can't wait to try the kit out this week since I have been trying to give my skin a rest lately. This is also good timing because I know I have a killer week ahead and my skin will probably show it!

What have you been up to?

Catch you next time.


  1. These little goodies look so fun! I totally am eyeing on that skincare kit. Can't wait to hear your thoughts about it.

    XO from Texas,

    Sarah | The Bella Insider | @sarah_thebella

  2. Oh great box of goodies! I'm curious about the Paula Choice Acne kit and how it works. Thanks for sharing your us.

  3. I'd love to try those hair products out. My hair is naturally curly/wavy so I wonder what they would do for me. Good luck with the heat!

    - Cait | http://www.prettyandfun.com

  4. Oh man 110s I would melt! However I do love Phoenix (spent a lot of my childhood there). Looks like an awesome box of goodies, cannot wait to hear how the acne kit works!


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