
Apologies from Abroad

I know, I know, I know. I'm really awful. I super awful. I fell more behind on blogging than I have in months, and my posting has been really weird - I had been doing so good! Well, here is my huge apology (and my shy reasoning as to why y'all shouldn't be too mad).

Cardigan: H&M    Jumpsuit: Lilly for Target    Shoes: Jack Rogers

For those of you who don't follow me on Instagram, I have been accepted into a program to study abroad in Prague for a few weeks this summer! I, along with thirty(ish) other students from ASU will be traveling to take an International Business Management course at the University of Economics in Prague - and I am currently flying over the U.S./Atlantic Ocean to get there!

I had huge plans to do a cute surprise post and many other things leading up to the trip, but Finals decided to hit me harder than I expected and then I only had 5 days to pack up my dorm, move back home, do Mother's Day, wrap up loose ends at home, and then pack up for Prague. I applaud parents who travel for their work and find a way to make this work.

Anyways, I have been told I will have reliable internet while I'm over there, but just in case, I've talked to a few of my blogger friends and some of them will be guest posting over the next few weeks! I am so excited to introduce them to y'all, they are all amazing people!

Hopefully on this *very, very, very* long plane ride I can catch up on my blogging (and my sanity sleep!). Be sure to follow along here on my blog and my Instagram (@MikkSalamatin) - I'll be tagging my pictures with #TheSWPrepTravels!

If any of you have traveled in the area before, what are some recommendations on things to see, do, where to stay, and how to get there? I've already got a weekend trip planned to visit Auschwitz and I'm also hoping to visit Budapest and Amsterdam at some point!

Catch you next time.

P.S. Want 10% off the cutest bows at Sugar Spice and Sparkle?! Use the code "SWPREP" at checkout!


  1. I hope you have so much fun abroad! Don't worry about blogging -- just focus on having fun!

    ​xo katie // a touch of teal

  2. Have fun abroad! Sounds awesome!!

    madeline // http://madelinemariehall.com/


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