
On My Playlist: Summer Weekend Trips

This weekend was quite the whirlwind, with two destinations and a handful of bus rides! This is not only a playlist of the songs I found myself playing on repeat during the *many* bus rides we had to endure, but also a few songs that I feel really help describe the amazing weekend I had.

For the most part, this is a playlist filled with fun, dancing music with a few feel good favorites that just make you smile.

Hold Back the River - James Bay
Renegades - X Ambassadors
Trap Queen - Fetty Wap
Geronimo - Sheppard
Cheerleader - OMI
Bright - Echosmith
Talking Body - Tove Lo
Believe - Mumford & Sons
Verge - Owl City ft. Aloee Blacc
Redefined [Club Remix] - tyDi ft. Melanie Fontana

How was your weekend? Do any of these songs make you want to get up and dance?

Catch you next time.

P.S. Want 10% off the cutest bows at Sugar Spice & Sparkle?! Use the code "SWPREP" at checkout!


  1. I love Echosmith! They are one of my new favorite brands!

    Running Alyssa

  2. Anything Mumford simultaneously makes me want to get up and dance and also makes me feel just really happy from the inside out!

  3. Awesome playlist!! I didn't recognize all of the songs so now I have something to check out! I will say that I love that Echosmith song. So good!!

  4. Echosmith is awesome! I love their sound and style... definitely hope to see them in concert one day!

  5. Love Bright by Echosmith and Redefined by Tydi.

    xoxo, Jenny || Breakfast at Lillys

  6. Very fun! My husband is usually in charge of our playlists -- good thing I love his taste in music ;)

  7. Fun list! I never have a list when I travel...

  8. I love music! This looks like a fun list. Music always puts me in a good mood. Thanks for sharing your playlist.


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